

i-Genix 是一個由探索基因有限公司開發的網上一站式基因檢測平台,我們提供超過500多種基因檢測項目,閣下可以隨意選購適合自己的基因檢測。為方便顧客,體驗基因檢測帶來的好處和方便,我們精心挑選4個體驗套餐供選擇,包括精靈兒童天賦基因檢測,美容基因檢測,體適能基因檢測及三高藥物檢測。此外,我們明白每位客人在人生不同階段對基因檢測要求也有所不同,所以我們小心保存閣下的基因數據,待日後需要了解更多屬於自己的基因資料時,可以即時登入網站購買,而無需重新採集樣本,縮短檢測時間,報告亦可即時查閱,簡單方便。

i-Genix is a one-stop genetic testing online platform developed by Gene Discovery Company Limited. There are more than 500 DNA tests for you to selection. You can explore your genome simply ordering one of our start-up special packages, i-Genius, i-Shape, i-Sport and i-Medications from our website or authorized dealers. i-Genix understands your needs and concerns in different period of time in your life. Therefore, we reserve your DNA data securely for future use. Without collecting your saliva sample again, your DNA data can be retrieved for analysis base on your interest and the results will be available online shortly. Save your time for more.

Request information

Good Union Corporation Limited
28/F, Easy Tower
609-611 Tai Nan West Street,Cheung Sha Wan, Hong Kong

T: +852 3188 3268
F: +852 3188 2505
E: enquiry@goodunion.com.hk