
Good Union Corporation Limited (GUC) 是 LFL Introfill的香港獨家經銷商。 GUC出售的所有LFL Introfill主機及臂件均享有 1 年保修服務,並且是從韓國供應商 Grand Aespio INC. 直接發貨。
對於非 GUC 提供的LFL Introfill主機及臂件,我們將無法提供任何保修或維修服務。
如果您有任何問題,請聯繫我們的銷售團隊,我們將確保我們所有的產品都來自Grand Aespio INC。
如對所購買的產品有任何疑問或感到懷疑,你可與我們銷售代表聯絡或致電我們辦公室熱線3188 3268。
To Whom you may concern:
Good Union Corperation Limited(GUC) is the exlusive distributor of LFL Introfill device in Hong Kong. All devices and handpieces sold from GUC are under 1 year warranty service and are all directly shipped from the supplier, Grand Aespio INC., in Korea.
For those devices or handpeices that are not supplied by GUC, we will not be able to provide any warranty or fixing service.
Please contact our sales team if you have any questions and we will ensure all our products are orginated from Grand Aespio INC.
Should you have any questions or doubts about the product you have purchased, please feel free
to contact our sales representatives or contact at with our general line, 3188 3268.
Thank you for your support to GOOD UNION CORPORATION LIMITED!